What a fabulous day! Simon Greenfield called me leaving a voice message sounding as pleased as punch, "Lisa, call me! your charity challenge t-shirt is ready." From here on everything went to plan. I called Dee, my volunteers manager, to book time to visit the hospice with girlfriends from site. Ticking through my works to do list, I had ample time to drive over with Ess (the sexy lady above in the blue t-shirt) collect the promotional t-shirt "HOT!" off the Fierce Monkey Custom Clothing press.
Appointment booked to meet Dee at 15:30 hrs., the three of us arrive on time. Jay (sexy lady 2 in high viz) drives to Acorns with me. Ess, recently passing her driving test, although has skills and confidence of an experienced race track driver (can see her and Jay burning the tarmac with their mental driving!) meets us there. The generous donation from the Selly Oak New Road Phase 2 team is handed over, and accepted with appreciation. We grab a photo shoot opportunity for me to promote the trek, hospice and team donation in my next project newsletter www.sellyoaknewroadphase2.co.uk. Killing two birds with one stone I can also use this to thank Simon, Fierce Monkey Custom Clothing for donating my Dalai Lama t-shirt and spare gifted branded top. His gift will be worn and captured by the Himalayas and visit to the Taj Mahal to post pictures on his costumed blog sharing the adventures and travels of friends and customers.
I have had such a wonderful day and cannot thank enough Simon (LOVE the t-shirt), Jay and Ess for their support, encouragement and sharing a wonderful day being part of my mini adventure waiting this November 2011.